Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dr.Kalams Teacings

Here is a very easy demonstration to teach your kids and your friends the power of a toxic vocabulary. Ask them to hold a pen or pencil. Hand it to them. Now, follow my instructions carefully. Say to them, "Okay, try to drop the pencil." Observe what they do.
Most people release their hands and watch the pencil hit the floor. You respond, "You weren't paying attention. I said TRY to drop the pencil. Now please do it again." Most people then pick up the pencil and pretend to be in excruciating pain while their hand tries but fails to drop the pencil.

The point is made.
If you tell your brain you will "give it a try," you are actually telling your brain to fail. I have a "no try" rule in my house and with everyone I interact with. Either people will do it or they won't. Either they will be at the party or they won't. I'm brutal when people attempt to lie to me by using the word try. Do they think I don't know they are really telegraphing to the world they have no intention of doing it but they want me to give them brownie points for pretended effort? You will never hear the words "I'll try" come out of my mouth unless I'm teaching this concept in a seminar.

If you "try" and do something, your unconscious mind has permission not to succeed. If I truly can't make a decision I will tell the truth. "Sorry John. I'm not sure if I will be at your party or not. I've got an outstanding commitment. If that falls through, I will be here. Otherwise, I will not. Thanks for the invite."
People respect honesty. So remove the word "try" from your vocabulary.

My dad also told me that psychologists claim it takes seventeen positive statements to offset one negative statement. I have no idea if it is true, but the logic holds true. It might take up to seventeen compliments to offset the emotional damage of one harsh criticism.
These are concepts that are especially useful when raising children.

Ask yourself how many compliments you give yourself daily versus how many criticisms. Heck, I know you are talking to yourself all day long. We all have internal voices that give us direction.
So, are you giving yourself the 17:1 ratio or are you shortchanging yourself with toxic self-talk like, " I'm fat. Nobody will like me. I'll try this diet. I'm not good enough. I'm so stupid. I'm broke, etc. etc."
If our parents can set a lifetime of programming with one wrong statement, imagine the kind of programming you are doing on a daily basis with your own internal dialogue.
Here is a list of Toxic Vocabulary words.
Notice when you or other people use them.
Ø But: Negates any words that are stated before it.
Ø Try: Presupposes failure.
Ø If: Presupposes that you may not.
Ø Might: It does nothing definite. It leaves options for your listener..
Ø Would Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen.
Ø Should Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen (and implies guilt.)
Ø Could Have: Past tense that draws attention to things that didn't actually happen but the person tries to take credit as if it did happen.
Ø Can't/Don't: These words force the listener to focus on exactly the opposite of what you want. This is a classic mistake that parents and coaches make without knowing the damage of this linguistic error..
Toxic phrase: "Don't drop the ball!"
Likely result: Drops the ball
Better language: "Catch the ball!"
Toxic phrase: "You shouldn't watch so much television."
Likely result: Watches more television.
Better language: "I read too much television makes people stupid. You might find yourself turning that TV off and picking up one of those books more often!"
Take a moment to write down all the phrases you use on a daily basis or any Toxic self-talk that you have noticed yourself using. Write these phrases down so you will begin to catch yourself as they occur and change them.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Fun & Info @


There is a cute small round press button at the bottom right corner of almost all monitors:

Please make use of this
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Stop printing out Harry Porter, Jeffrey Archer and other e-books. This is a classic

example of paper wastage.
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If you have forgotten to give double-side prints, make sure you make use of the empty sides as

scribbling pads or for your kids' imposition

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Take two minutes from your busy schedule before hurrying back home to shut down the computer.

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All of us are big time Googlers. Have you heard of the Blackle search engine? Blackle (Google

powered) is a search engine designed all in Rich Black so that your system consumes less power.

So change your homepage.
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Plastic bags these days indeed come in bright and flamboyant colours and tempt us to take them

home with us. But the saying, "Appearances are deceptive" holds true for these plastic things too.

Next time, hold back or go prepared to counter temptation with a cloth bag.
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Roses, Jasmine, Hibiscus and Peas; All these saplings cost hardly between Rs 10 - 20 each.

Can't we afford to plant these in and around our houses? Also, more importantly, caring and

maintain them as they grow?
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Try to segregate the different kinds of waste into Bio-Degradable (Fruit or vegetable waste) ,

Recyclable (waste Paper, paper products) and Electronics (Floppy disks, CD-ROMS ).

Once you have segregated your thrash, look for specialized trash cans to throw them away.
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Try to minimize the use of horns. Honking has
drastically increased and this adds to the noise

pollution and does not provide a conducive environment to live in.
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Use rechargeable batteries though it's an expensive product, it's one-time purchase. Recharge

when required. (Same applies to cell-phones, MP3s, iPods and Laptops)
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The best pens to use would be ink ones. Though if you have to use a ball point pen, buy refills

instead of buying new pens. Pencils are much better for rough use! (That's why we used it at

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Remember to close water taps before preening in front of the mirror. Of course you are beautiful,

but Water is a precious resource!
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Let's not just wake up and walk out of finished meetings and conferences with a sigh of relief,

let us remember to turn off the lights and projectors too.

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Take few minutes to learn about topics like 'Global Warming' , 'Air / Noise /Land / Water

Pollution ' etc apart from constant surfing of News, Latest Gadgets, Movies and Music.
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Spread this message
to your friends and colleagues. They too can make a difference.
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The Earth has already become a dangerous place to live in for the animals and birds. Soon it

might be our turn. So let's pledge to save our beautiful planet so that you and your future

generations can live happily and peacefully ever after.

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Save the Planet

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dear all,

Most of us sit in a single position for the whole day in the office, and in the morning / evening drive all the way to our places. As a result at night, while going to bed, many of us experience a slight pain in the back.

DON'T IGNORE IT AT ALL.....this may lead to many further diseases and disabilities as well....
Don't panic, just do the following exercise for min 10 mins every morning and shoot off the back pain.

Enjoy a healthy living....

Simple Exercises... to keep you fit and avoid back pain.

Need not visit a gym, your home may be the ideal place.

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Fun & Info @ Keralites.netFun & Info @ Keralites.netFun & Info @ Keralites.netFun & Info @ Keralites.netFun & Info @
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

First habitable planet discovered

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A planet 20 light years away is the first outside our solar system to be declared 'habitable' by scientists.
The rocky 'exoplanet' Gliese 581d meets key requirements for sustaining Earth-like life, including rainfall and possibly even watery oceans.
The planet orbits a red-dwarf star similarly called Gliese 581, on its outer fringes called the 'Goldilocks zone', where the temperature is not so hot that water boils away, nor so cold that water is perpetually frozen.
But even though it may be technically habitable, the Gliese 581d would not make a comfortable dwelling for humans.
Gravity is twice what is on Earth, doubling the weight of anyone standing on the surface, and the atmosphere is dense with carbon dioxide.
With a mass of at least 5.6 times that of Earth, Gliese 581d is classified as a 'super-Earth'.
The discovery caught scientists by surprise because the planet was previously ruled out as a habitable country.
But a new computer model with the capacity to simulate extraterrestrial climates has confirmed that Gliese 581d really could harbour life, showing the prior assumption to be wrong.
"This discovery is important because it's the first time climate modellers have proved that the planet is potentially habitable, and all observers agree that the exoplanet exists,” said Dr Robin Wordsworth, a member of the French team from the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace in Paris.
"If you look at the history of the search for habitable planets, there's been at least two instances so far when scientists have announced that a habitable world has been discovered, only to have the claim contradicted later, either by climate experts or by other observers.”
On average, the light that Gliese 581d receives from its star has about 30 per cent of the intensity of sunlight on Earth.
While that temperature seems too cold to support liquid water, the atmosphere's high production of greenhouse gases significantly heats the planet.
It may also be "tidally locked", meaning that one side of it always faces the sun, which would give it permanent dayside and nightside.
More than 500 planets orbiting other stars have been recorded since 1995, detected mostly by a tiny wobble in stellar light.
Exoplanets are named after their star and listed alphabetically, in order of discovery.
Until now, the big interest in Gliese 581's roster of planets focused on Gliese 581g.
It swept the headlines last year as 'Zarmina's World', after its observers announced it had roughly the same mass as Earth's and was also close to the 'Goldilocks zone'.
But that discovery has since been discounted by many, with some experts suspecting the Gliese 581g may not even exist
newscourtesy yahoo com