Thursday, September 20, 2018

50 Habits of Highly Successful People You Should Learn

If you’re like me and really into self-development, you’ve probably read many of the thousands of self-help books out there on the market. But also like me, you probably find all the information a bit overwhelming.
That’s why I wanted to do the self-less task of taking the most important, life-changing lessons I’ve drawn from these books and condensed them into fifty key points.
Here’re 50 habits of highly successful people you should learn:

1. You have to believe it to see it

Our minds tend to focus on what’s happening around us and refuse to see what could happen. Only when you trust in what’s possible and dare to dream big, big things can happen for you.

2. Problems are actually a wonderful gift

While others only see problems and give up, successful people use the problem as a lesson to find improvement in themselves or the task at hand.

3. Solutions are all they’re looking for

Even if they’re knee-deep in problems, successful people will still put all of their focus on finding solutions.

4. It’s all about the journey

Successful people are conscious and methodical in creating their own success. They don’t sit around doing the bare minimum, hoping success finds them.

5. Feel the fear and do it anyway

There’s so much fear on the road to success, but instead of letting that fear control and limit them, successful people do a good job of just forging ahead regardless.

6. The magic of productive questions

It’s all about asking the right questions. Successful people make sure they are questions that will elicit information for a more productive, creative and positive mindset moving forward.

7. The best waste of energy is complaining

Successful people know that choosing to see the negative side of things will only create a useless and unproductive state.

8. Don’t play the blame game

Taking responsibility for actions and outcomes is a form of empowerment that you can build your success upon. While the act of blaming others or outside circumstances takes this empowerment away from you.

9. Maximize their strengths

Not every successful person is simply more talented than the rest, but they do use what they know they’re good at to achieve more successful results.

10. You’ve got to be in it to win it

Successful people are busy, productive and proactive. Instead of sitting around over-thinking and over-planning a great idea, they just take a step towards it no matter how small.

11. Success attracts success

People who are successful surround themselves and seek out like-minded people. They understand the importance of being part of a team and forge win-win relationships.

12. Actually choosing to be successful

Dreaming big is a massive part of being successful even if your dream seems impossible. Ambition is a mindset that needs to be a daily conscious choice.

13. Visualize, visualize, visualize!

You’ve got to see your success in your mind’s eye even before it comes. Successful people clarify and get that certainty about what they want their reality to look like rather than being mere spectators of life.

14. Be a one-off original

Successful people look for what’s working and then create a unique spin on it. Imitating only regurgitates other people’s ideas with no originality.

15. The perfect time to act is NOW

Waiting for the right time to act is basically procrastination wrapped up in an excuse. Successful people know there’s never a perfect time so they may as well just do it now.

16. Learning is growing

Continuous learning is the key to a successful life. Whether it’s academic, being a student of life or actionable learning, it’s all about expanding your knowledge and personal development.

17. Always look on the bright side of life

Successful people have the knack for finding positive aspects in all people and circumstances no matter what.

18. Having a bad day? Do it anyway!

We all have bad moods but it shouldn’t be an excuse to stop everything. Giving into a bad mood just stop-starts your life, slowing success way down.

19. Sometimes risky business is needed

Calculated risks are a must for success. It’s about weighing the pros and cons while moving forward with that element of trust.

20. Challenge accepted!

Dealing with problems head-on is a must to be successful. Successful people also face challenges in order to improve themselves.

21. Making their own luck

In the mindset of a successful person, there’s no such thing as ‘luck’ or ‘fate’. They take control to actively and consciously create their own best life.

22. Ignite their initiative

While many people are reactive, successful people are proactive – taking action before they have to.

23. Emotional managers

Being effective at managing emotions is key on the road to success. That’s not to say successful people don’t feel like we all do, but they’re just not slaves to their emotions.

24. Communication champions

Consciously working on effective communication skills gets anyone closer to success.

25. Strategic life planners

Successful people’s lives aren’t a clumsy series of unplanned events and outcomes, they methodically work at turning their plans into a reality.

26. Becoming exceptional at what they do

To become exceptional, you typically have to do things that most won’t. To become successful, hard decisions need to be made and acting on them is crucial.

27. Choosing to live outside comfort zones

While many people are pleasure junkies and avoid pain and discomfort at all costs, successful people understand the value and benefits of working through the tough stuff that most would avoid.

28. Living by core values

Successful people firstly identify their core values and what’s important to them, then do their best to live a life that reflects these values.

29. Realizing money isn’t everything

Money and success are not interchangeable and the most successful people understand this. Putting money on a pedestal and equating it to success is a dangerous mindset to have. Success comes in many forms.

30. Don’t get carried away

Successful people understand the importance of discipline and self-control and as a result they are happy to take the road less travelled.

31. Self-worth is not tied to success

Successful people are secure. They do not derive their self-worth from what they own, who they know, where they live or what they look like.

32. Kindness breeds kindness (and success)

Generosity and kindness is a common trait among long-term successful people. It’s important to take pleasure in helping others achieve.

33. More humility, less arrogance

Successful people are humble and happy to admit and apologize for mistakes. This is because they’re confident in their ability. They are happy to learn from others and happy to make others look good rather than seek their own personal glory.

34. Change opens new doors

People who are successful are adaptable and embrace change, while the majority are creatures of comfort and habit. They are comfortable with, and embrace, the new and the unfamiliar.

35. A healthy body for success

It’s not just how you think, it’s about how you show up for success. Successful people understand the importance of being physically well, not for vain reasons but because being in tiptop condition creates a better personal life for success.

36. Laziness just doesn’t exist

Successful people are never considered lazy. Yes, they can relax when they need to, but working hard is their game.

37. Resilience by the bucket load

When difficulty strikes, most would throw in the towel, but successful people are just warming up.

38. Feedback is just another chance to improve

How people react to feedback determines their potential for success. Being open to constructive criticism and acting on it to improve is most seen in those who are successful.

39. Your vibe attracts your tribe

If people are hanging out with toxic and negative people, then they need to take a look at themselves. Successful people hang out with others who are positive and supportive.

40. Can’t control it? Forget it

Successful people don’t invest time or emotional energy into things which they have no control of.

41. Swimming against the tide

Successful people are not people-pleasers and they don’t need constant approval from others in order to move ahead.

42. Alone time is valuable time

More self-worth means being more comfortable with your own company. Successful people are more happy and see the value in spending time alone.

43. Self-standard is higher than most

Everyone has a choice to set high standards for themselves. Successful people do this, which in turn produces greater commitment, more momentum, a better work ethic and of course, better results.

44. Failure isn’t rationalized

While many use age, health, lack of time, ‘bad luck’, or lack of opportunity to explain away their failure, the key to success is finding a way to succeed despite facing these challenges.

45. Down time is an important part of a routine

Having an off switch and taking time to do things that make them happy is a common trait of a successful person.

46. Career isn’t who they are, it’s what they do

Successful people know their career isn’t their identity. They are multi-dimensional and don’t define themselves by their job.

47. They aren’t interested in the path of least resistance

While most people look for the easiest way or the shortcut, successful people are more interested in the most effective way. They look for the course of action which will produce the best results over the long term.

48. They follow through

Many spend their life starting things that they never finish, but successful people get the job done. Even when the excitement and the novelty has worn off they still follow through and finish.

49. They invest in all their dimensions

We’re not just physical and psychological beings, but emotional and spiritual creatures as well. Successful people consciously work at being healthy and productive on all levels.

50. They put their money where their mouth is

To obtain success, it’s important to practice what you preach. Successful people don’t talk about the theory, they live the reality.
So there you have it, a summary of what I’ve learned from self-help books. But of course, you need to start taking actions so you will get closer to success too.
If you want to learn more about each of the above habits, you can always check out the books:

16 Killer Techniques to Help You Transform Your Attitude for Success

Do you constantly think about living your dream? Everyone faces doubt or negativity at some point. It’s important to remember that your attitude is the difference maker in determining whether your dreams become a success or failure.
Zig Ziglar once said,
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
Your mindset impacts everything you do and may even hold limitations on what you can do. When you have a negative attitude, you will subconsciously manifest or spread negativity into your way of thinking, your work and even the people closest to you.
On the other hand, having the right attitude for success will make you more receptive to new ideas, think of better ways to overcome challenges and you will start noticing more new opportunities.
From personal development tips to productivity, how are you supposed to know which techniques you should apply and which will lead you down the path of success?
There are countless tips available but these 16 methods will keep you positive no matter what challenge you face and help you create the right attitude for success.

16 Promising ways to change your attitude

Fighting negativity doesn’t have to be as boring or as complicated as many people think.

1. Take a vacation!

There are hidden advantages to taking a vacation and a huge correlation between holiday and success.
  • Increased productivity: You will be more productive if you take vacations, it’s been proven time and time again. Restoration is rooted in our physiology, humans are not meant to spend energy continuously.
  • Newer perspectives: Stay away from work for a while and do something enjoyable. When you go back to work, you will have a whole new outlook on life.
  • Increased mental strength: Working non-stop and getting things done may make you think you are on top of the world. But your mind feels something else entirely. A study by the University of California’s Gregory Hickock University found that our brains do not have reservoirs to collect energy and power. Vacations can help reset your mind.
  • Improving mental health: The US News and World Report have spoken with experts who have indicated that one of the main benefits of a vacation is that it can improve your mental health.[1] Confidence of calm and ease relieve stress, which allows the body and mind to heal in ways that it cannot if it was still under pressure.
Burning yourself out is not an effective use of your time and is quite detrimental to your success. Take some time to clear your mind. If it is not vacation at least plan a break.

2. Study the habits of successful people.

Daily habits are a key to success. People have zero control over the world politics, weather, and similar circumstances.
But we control ourselves and our habits, rituals, and routine. And, while we all can learn successful habits, it is meaningless if we do not apply this knowledge.
Find everyday habits of very successful people that fall within your wheelhouse and those habits you can adopt more easily to create the life you really want to live.
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Just do what the wheel-maker does. Observe and imitate the time management experts around you.

3. Make a daily list.

All successful individuals must train themselves to work out a daily to-do list. Think of how important it is for a pilot to use a checklist before each takeoff. That is how effective and successful people should be as well.
Take a few minutes to create a “to do” list to use to get through the day.
The best time to make the list is the night before. By doing this, your subconscious begins to work on your list as you sleep. This way, when you wake up each morning, you can have amazing insights and ideas which will assist you in achieving some of the most important goals on your list.
At the end of each day, the last thing you do should be to plan out the next day. Making a list helps you organize priorities and keeps you on track throughout the day.

4. Eliminate needless interruptions.

You have to understand that each of us has the same 24 hours a day as Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Will Smith, Oprah, Richard Branson and Henry Ford. It’s how we manage ourselves within a time frame that makes all the difference.
Start eliminating unnecessary distractions during the day. Research has shown that it can take our brains up to 20 minutes to recover from one single interruption.
So, let’s say you are faced with only three unnecessary distractions every day, you lose an hour of productivity. This can add up to six 40-hour weeks, that’s 240 hours per year. Or better yet, if you bill by the hour, at even $50 per hour, that is $12,000 lost revenue.
Close the office door. Post a sign that says, “conference” if you need to. Let your secretary, voicemail, or answering machine record your messages, then return calls at once.
Designate times to check email.
Start taking control of your time, your calendar, and your life right now with this one tip. Learn how to remove distractions from life:

5. Organize and prioritize.

Organize living and workspaces. Don’t let clutter accumulate. Clean as you go. Unorganized space is not only ineffective and counterproductive, it is psychologically exhausting. Select one area to organize each day for 30 days. Start in the space where you spend most of your work time. If you have an area that bothers you the most, start there instead.
Prioritize. Complete one task before starting to do something else or stopping at least a natural stopping point. Try to bring closure to tasks, or “trim” large tasks into smaller components so that you work on it a little bit at a time while ensuring they always progress. Find out more about how to prioritize here:
Developing keen organizational skills eliminates unnecessary ineffectiveness and enables individuals to efficiently achieve their goals. So, attack the beast one of two ways.
Either bag up everything out of place in each area. Then empty each bag/box/bin one at a time and put things away. Or, if the idea of an organization overwhelms you, hire a professional to do it for you.

6. Surround yourself with positivity.

It is important to continue feeding your brain with happy, loving memories.
Recreate those moments that once smiled at you. Remember the times of happiness such as something that encourages you, a birthday party, an outing with friends, a special holiday or your favorite songs.
While you are learning to change your mindset, music can help speed up the process. The effects and benefits of music on the brain are many and are not confined to a single genre, as long as they match your musical preferences. In this way, it is the connection of the brain to familiar and valued music, which is the key.
Experts recommend different genres for different purposes. Optimistic music, for example, includes songs with positive words, can provide energy boosts and get your mind primed for learning. While instrumental music and relaxing genres can help you stay calm and focused.
Ambient music, according to a study from the University of Chicago increases abstract brain processes, which are responsible for creative thinking.
Studies from the Department of Psychology at the University of London have found that listening to happy music can make us see the faces of people in a positive light – even if they wear an empty expression. So, throw on some headphones, get in front of the mirror and have at it.
Music has an active influence on your mind. Understanding how music and your brain interact, and how to tune your music consumption to maximum impact, can affect how you feel, think, learn, and you achieve success.

7. Get rid of negative people.

as much as possible. You need all the happiness and love you can surround yourself with if you want to constantly focus and work towards your dreams. Remember you’re creating the opportunity to achieve a dream, not a nightmare.
First, remember that “like attracts like” – this is universal law. To have positive experiences, you need to have a positive opinion of yourself, evaluate then appreciate the lessons learned from life experiences and your current situations. When you are in a positive mood, you will attract positivity.
Embrace relationships that empower, excite and motivate you to be your best, and do the same for others in return. Stay surrounded with positive people who believe in your dreams and cheer you up. The longer you stay focused and positive, the more positive people you will have in your life.
Part of having a positive opinion of yourself is believing in yourself. People can feel whether you believe in yourself or not. When you do not believe in yourself, then you will find that you attract others who are struggling with believing in themselves too.
Recognize your strengths, gifts and talents, physical beauty and features. Be nice to yourself daily by positive self-talk. When you believe in yourself, you will respect your truth which will attract optimistic people to you.
It is very rewarding to be surrounded by positive people; understand it takes time to practice how to be consciously aware of your thoughts and change them from negative to positive.
When negative thoughts come to mind just let them go and exchange them with self-affirmative, positive thoughts that support your goals.

8. Listen to teaching tapes in the car.

Instead of being stressed out by traffic, and frustrated by the radio, you can engage your brain, learn another language, improve your sales, business, and management skills, and master the latest strategies for success by listening to tapes during drive time.
Spotify and Amazon have thousands of audios that you can listen to whether you need to buy the actual disk or listen through Bluetooth.

9. Utilize waiting time.

Waiting time can drive us crazy. Instead, think of this time as an opportunity to be used to your advantage. When you look at your daily to-do list, identify places that you are likely to wait and start productively using the time.
One of the worst traps in falling victim to waiting is the trap of not thinking. We want time to go as fast as we can, so we allow ourselves to sink into an uncomfortable brain fog, convincing ourselves it’s a much-needed break. Do not let that happen it does not make waiting time any better. Keep yourself busy and stimulated, even if it means looking out a window or finally replying to those emails.
Always keep a book that you want to read in your car or desk so you can make use of the time you spend waiting for those meetings. Recognize the waiting time is no different from another available time. We all have to use time productively, so that the time waiting is not wasted.

10. Eat for positivity.

Eating is not just the thing we do when we are hungry. Eating is an experience tied strongly to the emotional circuits in the brain.
There is an emotional association of food that is further compounded by memories summoned by the smell, texture and look of a visually pleasing meal. This holds a strong correlation over your attitude and the food you eat:
  • Create good memories with good food. Your busy schedule may not allow you to sit and enjoy each meal every day. But no matter the amount of time you have, maintain your focus on your meal using all senses, it is key to your well-being and the emotional association of food.
  • Focus on ‘how’ and ‘what’ you eat. Eat a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods and resist the temptation to overeat. One type of food you should begin incorporating more of are superfoods. Compared to regular vegetables they are much richer in vitamins and nutrients but don’t hold many calories. Superfoods replenish and enrich the body and mind on a very deep level.
Also, try to add these 5 superfoods to your next grocery list:
  1. Maca – known to greatly reduce stress, balance hormone levels, and provide you with a substantial amount of energy and endurance.
  2. Acai – increases cognitive and brain function, improves cholesterol and fights off harmful toxins.
  3. Organic coconut water – keeps you hydrated and youthful. Also has natural antiviral properties.
  4. Chia seeds – are a great way to detoxify and cleanse by removing all the toxins and impurities from your body.
  5. Goji berries – work to enhance your vision and immune system keeping you alert and focused.
There are many more superfoods to try, many people are using them for their health and mental benefits. They work wonders to enhance your mood and energy levels.
Your attitude also plays an important role in the adoption and maintenance of a variety of health habits including your diet.
You can’t just go through the motions of eating healthier, you have to embrace it.

11. Make time for exercise.

Improve your health and you improve your life, extend your life, and can accomplish more with less fatigue. Research continues to show that making time for exercise delivers serious health and mental benefits.
Whether it’s a quick pick-up game of basketball, a group training class at the gym, or even just a run with a friend, exercise won’t happen in a bubble.
At the same time, you don’t need to train like a bodybuilder or athlete. Dedicating just 30 minutes a day, three days out of the week is enough to start gaining the mental benefits of exercise:
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase happiness
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Boost brainpower, sharpen memory and prevent cognitive decline
  • Tap into creativity
Exercise also doesn’t have to be spent running in place on a treadmill or going to the gym, it can be spent walking by the lake, gardening, riding a bike along the beach, carrying groceries, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and dancing among many other ways.
Decide which activities are fun and will suit you best and plan them throughout your week.

12. Use positive words and affirmations.

Our subconscious plays a central role in the realization of our lives and the expression of our desires. What we believe about ourselves at the subconscious level, can have a significant impact on the outcome of events.
People use these positive affirming statements for a variety of purposes. In general, the intent behind affirmation statements is to rewrite and reprogram the subconscious, to encourage us to believe in certain things about ourselves or the world around us.
They are also used to help us create the reality we want – often in terms of attracting success, love, wealth, health and happiness.
Affirmations can be used as inspiration as well as simple reminders. They can also focus attention on goals throughout the day, which, by itself has the potential to promote positive and lasting positive change.
Once you have come up with a set of affirmations, to be effective, make sure you use them daily – at the very least.

13. Avoid people who drain you.

It is good to spend time with people, but there are certain people who actually suck your life straight from you. They exhaust you. Identify these people in your life and limit your exposure to them.
Our energy comes in limited quantities and it grows or is reduced based on what you do and who you are surrounded by. Understanding how people influence you means you can do a better job matching your needs at any given moment to what your energy requires.
How do you say “no” to energy zappers? Just say NO!
Energy Zappers are people who may be stuck in a problem you’ve heard for years and years. Their situation and complaints are the same, over and over, and they bring nothing new to the table.
They aren’t bad people but you are tired just at the thought of dealing with them. Whether it’s a co-worker or friend, avoid this person.
If avoidance is not possible, make sure you are not in a state of resistance when around them. Remember, what we oppose sticks.
If you feel uncomfortable around a particular person or group, do not go into resistance mode as a way to protect yourself. This only keeps the bad energy stuck in your space.
Find your happy space and remove yourself from the uncomfortable environment as soon as possible. This way, if someone throws some negative juju to you, it will pass right through.

14. Improve your social skills.

On the other hand, building relationships with others greatly reduces stress and anxiety in your life.
Research conducted by the University of California, Santa Barbara economist Catherine Weinberger, shows many successful people excel in both social skills and cognitive abilities.[2] This is something that has not always been true.
She collapsed data linking adolescence skills in 1972 and 1992 with older results and found that in 1980, both skills did not mean better success, and yet today the combination does so. “People who are both smart and socially skilled are earning more in today’s workforce than similar workers in 1980,” she says.

15. Schedule more time for yourself and family.

Those who work harder on the job than they do on themselves tend to burn out. Remember what you are working for!
Schedule time with your spouse and children. Pencil in some time for yourself while you’re at it.

16. Learn to say NO.

Contrary to popular opinion, positivity is not and cannot be destroyed by the word “no.” You’re not a superhuman. Your energy has limits and so does your ability to produce more of it.
Taking on an endless list of tasks is not a step in the right direction. Say no to low priority items. Don’t be afraid to tell someone, “I’ve already committed myself to another project that will take up all my spare time, thank you for thinking about me.”

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Affirmations that you can begin

Here are some affirmations that you can begin using right away:

Tоdау, I аm brіmmіng wіth еnеrgу and overflowing with jоу.I аm thе аrсhіtесt оf mу lіfе; I buіld іtѕ fоundаtіоn аnd сhооѕе іtѕ соntеntѕ.I forgive those who hаvе hаrmеd mе іn mу раѕt аnd реасеfullу dеtасh frоm thеm.Today, I аbаndоn mу оld hаbіtѕ аnd take up nеw роѕіtіvе оnеѕ.Mу аbіlіtу tо соnquеr mу сhаllеngеѕ іѕ lіmіtlеѕѕ; mу роtеntіаl tо succeed іѕ іnfіnіtе.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Samosa Wala Vs Big Manager

In Delhi, there was a Samosa vendor. His shop was in front of a Big company. His Samosa was so tasty.! Most of the employees use to eat that samosa at lunch time.
One day, a Manager came to that samosa wala. while he was eating samosa he comes in the fun mood.

he asks a question – Yaar you have maintained your shop so nicely.
you have good management skills. don’t you think that you are wasting your talent and time by selling just Samosas?

Think, if you were working like me in any big company. you would have been a manager like me isn’t ?
Poor samosa wala… he smiled at the manager and said awesome lines.
Sir, I thought my work is better than your work. do u know why?

10 years back I used to sell samosa in tokari (Leaf basket). At same time you got this job. That time I was earning Rs. 1,000 in a month and your salary was 10K.
In this 10 years of journey, we did progress a lot.

I owned a shop and became famous samosa-wala in this area and you became a manager.
Now you are earning Rs. 1 lakh while I am earning same and sometimes more than you. So surely, I can say that my work is better than yours.

it’s because of my kids future.

Let me explain –
Please pay close attention to my word. I started my career at lowest income. my son doesn’t have to suffer the same. One day my son will take over my business. He doesn’t have to start from 0. He will get fully established business, but in your case, the benefits will be taken by your boss kids, not by your kids.

you can not offer your same post to your son /daughter. They have to start from 0. Whatever you have suffered 10 years ago, your kids have to suffer the same.

My son will extend my business from now and when your kid will be manager my son will be far away.
Now tell me who is wasting the Talent and Time.

Manager gave Rs.50 for two samosa’s and he didn’t speak any word and left.
Good Lesson to become Entrepreneur

Original Source: Unknown

Saturday, May 28, 2016

What is Wrong With Our Education System? By Khalid Baig

Quick question: Who discovered America? The almost guaranteed answer: Why, Columbus, of course. The bright student may even know the famous story that Columbus thought he had reached India and therefore called the people he found Indians.

If providing sound knowledge and developing critical thinking capabilities are any goals of an education system, the answer highlights the miserable failure of the education system prevalent in the Muslim world today on both counts. For no one asks the obvious: How can anyone be credited with discovering a land that was already heavily populated? Columbus was the first European to discover America, not the first man. Hundreds of thousands of other men and women had reached there before him and had been living for centuries. The assertion about Columbus reveals a Euro-centric mindset but the bias goes undetected and unquestioned.

This is not the only questionable fact that our schools and colleges, and textbooks and teachers have been dispensing. In every field of study, they have been passing on "facts", ideas, values, assumptions, perspectives, explanations, "truths", and principles that are questionable, secular and anti-Islamic. All while sincerely believing that they are providing a great service by promoting education.

Education is a wonderful thing. But, what are we really teaching?
In science, we are teaching our students to look at the universe from the viewpoint of a person who does not know God. "And how many Signs in the heavens and the earth do they pass by? Yet they turn their faces away from them." [Yusuf, 12:105]. A proper study of science would make one appreciate both the Power, Majesty, and Grandeur of Allah’s creations and the humbleness and limitations of human knowledge and abilities. Today our science education, in its best form, gives exactly the opposite message. It also fails to enable students to separate scientist’s opinions from their facts. Let’s ask: In the wide Muslim world is there any, Islamic school teaching science whose graduates can challenge Darwin’s Theory of Evolution on scientific grounds? As we teach science, are we teaching our children to put science in its proper place, to know its limitations? Can they competently question the "technological imperative"?

A medical doctor would not be considered competent if he did not know the limitations of the medicines and procedures he used. An engineer would be considered unqualified if he did not know the limitations of his tools. Why then our teaching of science does not include a discussion of its limitations? Because for the secular mindset science is the ultimate tool, the supreme arbiter of Truth and Falsehood. Without even realizing it, we have accepted the proposition and our science education reflects that assumption.

The problem is not limited to science and technology. The best of our MBAs have learned that the goal of a business is to maximize profits, the goal of marketing is to create demand, and the proper way of making business decision is through cost-benefit analysis. All of these are as solid in their eyes and as questionable in reality as the assertion about Columbus. The best of our journalism graduates do not have a different model for journalism than the one presented by the West. They do not have their own definition of the news, their purpose for gathering it or their own moral standards that must regulate its dissemination. In economics we have been teaching that human beings are utility-maximizing animals governed by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In our teaching of history, we see random events without a moral calculus driving them. We do not see Allah’s laws that govern the rise and fall of nations. In psychology or sociology, medicine or engineering, civics or geography, it is the same story. In fact, our schools and colleges have been the main agency for secularization of Islamic societies. They have been effectively teaching that Islam is irrelevant to understanding this world or to solving its problems. Many of their graduates develop misunderstandings and doubts about their faith. But even when they are strong practicing Muslims, they have not been trained and educated to detect and challenge the secular dogmas that have been integrated into their curriculums.
This great tragedy is of a recent origin and a historical perspective may be helpful. For centuries our societies, culture, and education system were free of the secular/religious dichotomy. Our schools taught all subjects of importance using a naturally unified approach. As long as Muslims were the leaders in all the sciences (until the fifteenth century C.E) subjects like medicine, astronomy, and chemistry had not developed their secular biases.

The dichotomy started in the West during its "Renaissance" as it threw away its religious dogmas--which had become a burden--and found a speedy path to material progress using a-religious or secular approaches. The industrial revolution gave it momentum. Colonialism brought secular ideology and the religion of secular humanism to the Muslim lands.
At this time, Muslims were at a low point on several fronts. They had surrendered intellectual leadership to the West and had failed to keep pace with scientific developments there. They found themselves in a no-win situation. If they accepted and taught the Western sciences, they would also be teaching anti-Islamic dogmas. If they stayed isolated, they would be left behind in science and material progress.

In response, Muslims developed two approaches. Our Darul-ulooms preserved Islamic knowledge and values by hermetically sealing themselves against western influences. It is due to this effort that Islamic knowledge is alive and well today. (Where they were lax in this matter --- as in some Arab countries--- the result was a compromise in their Islamic character without any advantage in the quality of education.) However, they are not equipped to provide leadership in most other areas of the society. This role has gone to the graduates of the Western-style schools and colleges. Unfortunately, these schools and their curriculum nurture secular ways of looking at this world and solving its problems. The tensions created by the two diametrically opposed systems can be seen today in every Muslim country.

This dichotomy must end. We cannot move forward without revamping our education. We cannot fully establish Islam in our societies without producing educated citizens and leaders needed for an Islamic society. The time is now to develop Integrated Islamic curriculums and remove secular biases from all of our education. Merely establishing more schools is not the answer. Developing educational institutions that can teach every subject in the wholesome Islamic context is. It is a monumental task. But without it we’ll continue to spread ignorance in the name of education.

[I swear] by the fig and the olive. (Qur'an, 95:1)
The reference to the fig in the first verse of Surat at-Tin is a most wise one in terms of the benefits imparted by this fruit.
The Benefits of the Fig for Human Beings

Figs have a higher fibre level than any other fruit or vegetable. One single dried fig provides two grams of fibre: 20% of the daily recommended intake. Research over the last fifteen years or so has revealed that the fibre in plant foods is very important for the regular functioning of the digestive system. It is known that fibre in foods assists the digestive system and also helps reduce the risk of some forms of cancer. Nutritionists describe eating figs, which are rich in fibre, as an ideal way of increasing one's fibre intake.
Fibrous foodstuffs are divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Foods rich in insoluble fibre facilitate the passage of substances to be expelled from the body through the intestine by adding water to them. They thus accelerate the digestive system and ensure its regular functioning. It has also been established that foods containing insoluble fibre have a protective effect against colon cancer. Foods rich in soluble fibre, on the other hand, have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by more than 20%. These are therefore of the greatest importance in reducing the risk of heart attack. Excessive levels of cholesterol in the blood collect in the arteries, hardening and narrowing them. Depending on which organ's blood vessels the cholesterol accumulates in, disorders connected to that organ arise. For example, if cholesterol accumulates in the arteries that feed the heart, problems such as heart attacks result. Accumulations of cholesterol in the kidney veins can lead to high blood pressure and kidney deficiency. Furthermore, the intake of soluble fibre is important in terms of regulating blood sugar by emptying the stomach because sudden changes in blood sugar can lead to life-threatening disorders. Indeed, societies with fibre-rich diets have been shown to have far lower incidences of illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.117

It is also another major health advantage for soluble and insoluble fibres to be present at one and the same time. It has been shown that when both forms are present together, they are much more effective in preventing cancer than when they are on their own. The presence of both forms of fibre, soluble and insoluble, in the fig makes it a most important foodstuff in this regard.118
Dr. Oliver Alabaster, Director of the Institute for Disease Prevention at the George Washington University Medical Centre, refers to figs in these terms:

… [H]ere is an opportunity to add a really healthy, high fiber food to your diet. Choosing figs and other high fiber foods more frequently means that you'll naturally choose potentially harmful foods less frequently-and this is great for your lifelong health.119

According to the California Fig Advisory Board, it is believed that the antioxidants in fruit and vegetables protect against a number of diseases. Antioxidants neutralise harmful substances (free radicals) that arise as a result of chemical reactions in the body or else are taken in from the outside and thus prevent the destruction of cells. In one study performed by the University of Scranton, it was determined that dried figs had a much higher level of the phenol makeup, which is rich in antioxidants, than other fruits. Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill micro-organisms. The level of phenol in figs is much higher than that in other fruits and vegetables.120

Another study, by Rutgers University in New Jersey, revealed that due to the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 and phytosterol contained in dried figs, they can play a considerable part in reducing cholesterol.121 It is known that omega-3 and omega-6 cannot be manufactured in the body and need to be absorbed with food. Furthermore, these fatty acids are indispensable to the proper functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system. Phytosterol permits the cholesterol in animal products, which has the potential to harden the heart's arteries, to be expelled from the body without entering the blood stream.

Despite being one of the oldest fruits known to man, the fig-described as "nature's most nearly perfect fruit" by the California Fig Advisory Board 122-has been rediscovered by food producers. The nutritional value of this fruit and its health benefits have led to its acquiring a whole new importance.
The fig can constitute a part of just about any special diet. Since figs do not naturally contain fat, sodium or cholesterol but have high levels of fibre, they are an ideal food for those trying to lose weight. At the same time, figs have higher mineral contents than any other known fruit. Forty grams of figs contains 244 mg of potassium (7% of the daily requirement), 53 mg of calcium (6% of the daily requirement) and 1.2 mg of iron (6% of the daily requirement).123 The calcium level in figs is very high: The fig ranks second after the orange in terms of calcium content. A crate of dried figs provides the same level of calcium as a crate of milk.

Figs are also thought of as a medicine which gives strength and energy to long-term patients as they seek to recover. They eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give the body strength and energy. The most important nutritional component of figs is sugar, which comprises 51-74% of all fruits. The sugar level in figs is one of the highest. Figs are also recommended in the treatment of asthma, coughs and chills.

The benefits we have restricted ourselves to mentioning here are an indication of the compassion Allah feels for human beings. Our Lord provides the substances required by human beings in this fruit, which is so pleasant to eat, already packaged and at the ideal levels for human health. The way that this special blessing from Allah is mentioned in the Qur'an may indicate the importance of the fig for human beings. (Allah knows best.) From the point of view of human health, the nutritional value of the fig was only established with the advance of medicine and technology. This is another indication that the Qur'an is indisputably the Word of Allah, the Omniscient.

Types if Kisses

Prof of Economics : Kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply.

Prof.. of Accountancy : Kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.

Prof. of Algebra : Kiss is infinity because two divided by nothing.

Prof. of Geometry : Kiss is the shortest distance between two lips.

Prof. of Physics : Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart.

Prof. of Chemistry : Kiss is the reaction of the interaction between two hearts.

Prof. of Zoology : Kiss is the interchange of salivary bacteria.

Prof. of Physiology : Kiss is the juxtaposition of two orbicularisoris muscles in the state of contraction.

Prof. of Dentistry : Kiss is infectious and antiseptic..

Prof. of Statistics : Kiss is an event whose probability depends on the vital statistics of 36-24-36.

Prof. of Philosophy : Kiss is the persecution for the child, ecstasy for the youth and homage for the old.

Prof. of English : Kiss is a noun that is used as a conjunction; it is more common than proper; it is spoken in the plural and it is applicable to all.

Prof. of Architecture : Kiss is a process which builds a solid bond between the two dynamic objects.

Prof. of Computer Science : Undefined variable

This is Life..........

Had you a wonderful rather beautiful day today!  

I Hope everybody had a wonderful day and we are sure we will have a wonderful evening too… Talented speakers and top notch evaluators to make this evening blessed. Table topic and joke masters will bring spices to flourish the event. Our respected area governor’s educational session will be the special for today.

We have a beautiful day today and a memorable day of course! But we don’t think that our life is beautiful because we never get what we want or  never have what we like. Our perception to life made us like this and I am sure many of us doesn’t have a different perception.

I am not happy in life! What shall I do to make my life beautiful?

I should change the perception about my life.

If you want something you never had, do something you have never done.

Take chances and risks! Don’t look only at the outer shell peep into the core.

Which path you are leading your life?

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take the life the way you go .
And remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born.

Yes! I lead the life, the way which I want and I don’t leave the life, the way which I don’t like. But why I am still unhappy!


We never get what we want,
we never want what we get,
we never have what we like,
we never like what we have,
still we Live & Love.
This is Life..........

Once a group of alumni, highly established in their
careers, got together to Visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the Kitchen and
Returned With a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups -
Porcelain,Plastic,Glass, crystal, some plain  looking, some expensive,
Some exquisite -Telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the
Professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were
taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal
for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your
Problems and stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup,
But you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other's
cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the Jobs, money and
Position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and
contain life, and do not change the quality of Life.sometimes, by
concentrating only on the cup.

So, don't let the cups drive you ...
Enjoy the coffee instead.